About Me

     Hi, I’m Brenna! I am a senior in high school in Central Illinois, where there’s really nothing exciting to do. I’m a very kindhearted person to everyone around me. I’m a very shy, anxious person but love to meet new people and create bonds. I love to play tennis with my teammates in my free time. I also love to spend time with my family like watching movies and just talking about our days at dinner. I spend most of my days around my significant other which is mainly just hanging around the house enjoying one another’s company. 

             My boogers represent my blog, so each blog is a booger I pick. They’ll be all over the place, and about all of the things I do. I’ll take you through my daily life, such as work, after school activities, my friends, my past, my present, and my future. Welcome to the life of Brenna. Go through, and enjoy.